What is Traditional Chinese Medicine?
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a unique medical system that has been used to diagnose, treat, and prevent illnesses for more than 2,000 years.
TCM views the human body as a whole, and the relationship between the human being and nature as on integrated unity.
TCM theory includes yin and yang and the five elements, zang-fu organs, qi, blood, and body fluids, the meridian system to realize etiology, the nature and uniqueness of the pathogenic factors, pathogenesis, the principles of prevention and treatment.
The fundamental principle of TCM is treatment on the basis of differentiation of syndromes. Evaluation of a syndrome not only includes the cause, mechanism, location, and nature of the disease, but also the confrontation between the pathogenic factor and body resistance. Treatment is not based only on the symptoms, but differentiation of syndromes. Therefore, those with an identical disease may be treated in different ways, and on the other hand, different diseases may result in the same syndrome and are treated in similar ways.
TCM stresses the importance of prevention and holds that: " Prevention before disease arises" is crucial.
Some common practices used in TCM includes:
Herbal Formulas,
Chinese massage, called Tui Na
Exercise, such as Tai Chi and Qi Gong
What should I expect on my first visit?
The TCM practitioner will ask you questions about your medical history and do a physical exam, look at the tongue, check wrists pulses to seek for signs of imbalance through inspection, auscultation and olfaction, Interrogation, palpation, and then will assess, and determine which the disease and the syndrome the patient has.
Is there anything I should watch out for?
You should not take Chinese herbs without supervision, especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. The practitioner should also explain the potential side effects of the herbs they prescribe. Always tell your doctor about any herbs or supplements you are taking.
Definition & Translations for some common TCM diseases from CTCMPAO
Internal Medicine Nei Ke 內科
Abdominal Mass Ji Ju 積聚
Abdominal Pain Fu Tong 腹痛
Atrophy-Flaccidity Wei Zheng 痿証
Bleeding Disorders Xue Zheng 血証
Chest Impediment Xiong Bi 胸痹
Common Cold Gan Mao 感冒
Constipation Bian Bi 便秘
Consumptive Disease Xu Lao 虛勞
Consumptive Thirst Xiao Ke 消渴
Convulsive Syndromes Jing Zheng 痙証
Cough Ke Sou 咳嗽
Depressive Disorder / Depression Yu Zheng 郁証
Diarrhea Xie Xie 泄瀉
Dizziness and Vertigo Xuan Yun 眩暈
Drum Distension/Ascites Gu Zhang 臌脹
Dysentery Li Ji 痢疾
Dysphagia Occlusion Syndrome Ye Ge 噎嗝
Dyspnea Chuan Zheng 喘証
Edema Shui Zhong 水腫
Epigastric Pain Wei Tong 胃痛
Epilepsy Xian Zheng 癇証
Fainting/Syncope Jue Zheng 厥証
Goiter Ying Bing 癭病
Headache Tou Tong 頭痛
Hiccoughing And Belching E Ni 呃逆
Hypochondrial Pain Xie Tong 脅痛
Impediment Syndrome Bi Zheng 痹証
Impotence Yang Wei 陽痿
Insomnia Bu Mei 不寐
Intestinal Parasites Chong Zheng 蟲証
Internal Damage Fever Nei Shang Fa Re 內傷發熱
Ischuria/Urine Retention Long Bi 癃閉
Jaundice Huang Dan 黃疸
Lumbago Yao Tong 腰痛
Lung Distention Fei Zhang 肺脹
Malaria Nue Ji 瘧疾
Mania-Depression Dian Kuang 癲狂
Painful Obstructive Syndrome Bi Zheng 痹症
Palpitation Xin Ji 心悸
Phlegm/Sputum Fluid Tan Yin 痰飲
Pulmonary Abscess Fei Yong 肺痈
Pulmonary Atrophy Fei Wei 肺痿
Pulmonary Tuberculosis Fei Lao 肺癆
Seminal Emission Yi Jing 遺精
Spontaneous Sweats, Night Sweats Zi Han Dao Han 自汗盜汗
Stranguria Lin Zheng 淋証
Tinnitus and Deafness Er Ming Er Long 耳鳴耳聾
Vomiting Ou Tu 嘔吐
Wheezing Syndrome Xiao Zheng 哮証
Wind Stroke Zhong Feng 中風
External Medicine and Dermal diseases 外科皮肤科
Acne Fen Ci 粉刺
Acute Mastitis (Ru Yong) Ru Yong 乳痈
Alopecia Areata You Feng 油風
Anal Fissure Gang Lie 肛裂
Bedsore Ru Chuang 褥瘡
Boil Ding 疔
Breast Cancer Ru Yan 乳岩
Breast Lump Ru Pi 乳癖
Carbuncle Yong 痈
Chloasma Huang He Ban 黃褐斑
Contact Dermatitis Jie Chu Xing Pi Yan 接觸性皮炎
Digital Gangrene Tuo Ju 脱疽
Gout Tong Feng 痛風
Drug Rash Yao Wu Xing Pi Yan 藥物性皮炎
Eczema Shi Chuang 濕瘡
Erysipelas Dan Du 丹毒
Fever Blister /Herpes Simplex Re Chuang 熱瘡
Furuncle Jie 癤
Goiter Ying 癭
Hemorrhoid Zhi 痔
Herpes Zoster She Chuan Chuang 蛇串瘡
Male Sterility Nan Xing Bu Yu 男性不育
Multiple Abscesses Liu Zhu 流注
Neurodermatitis Niu Pi Xuan 牛皮癬
Phlegmon Feng Wo Zhi Yan 蜂窩織炎
Prostatic Hyperplasia Qian Lie Xian Zeng Sheng 前列腺增生
Prostatitis Qian Lie Xian Yan 前列腺炎
Pruritus of the Skin Feng Sao Yang 風瘙癢
Psoriasis Bai Bi / Yin Xie Bing 白疕 /銀屑病
Rosacea Jiu Zao Bi 酒糟鼻
Scrofula Luo Li 瘰癧
Sebaceous Cyst Zhi Liu 脂瘤
Shank Ulcer Lian Chuang 臁瘡
Sun Rash Ri Shai Chuang 日曬瘡
Tinea Xuan 癬
Urticaria Yin Zhen 癮疹
Varicose Veins Jin Liu 筋瘤
Vitiligo Bai Bo Feng 白駁風
Warts You 疣
Gynecology Fu Ke 婦科
Abdominal Masses Zheng Jia 癥瘕
Amenorrhea Bi Jing 閉經
Bleeding During Pregnancy, Unstable
Pregnancy Tai Lou, Tai Dong Bu An 胎漏,胎動不安
Dysmenorrhea Tong Jing 痛經
Early Menstrual Period Yue Jing Xian Qi 月經先期
Infertility Bu Yun Zheng 不孕症
Insufficient Breastmilk Que Ru 缺乳
Intermenstrual Bleeding Jing Jian Qi Chu Xue 經間期出血
Irregular Menstrual Cycle Yue Jing Shi Tiao 月經失調
Late Menstrual Period Yue Jing Hou Qi 月經後期
Leukorrhagia Dai Xia 帶下
Lochiorrhea Chan Hou E Lu Bu Jue 產後惡露不絕
Menorrhagia Yue Jing Guo Duo 月經過多
Menstrual Breast Aching Jing Xing Ru Fang Zhang Tong 經行乳房脹痛
Menstrual Edema Jing Xing Fu Zhong 經行浮腫
Menstrual Headache Jing Xing Tou Tong 經行頭痛
Menstrual Hematemesis and Epistaxis Jing Xing Tu Niu 經行吐衄
Menstrual Mental Disorder Jing Xing Qing Zhi Yi Chang 經行情志異常
Menstrual Oral Ulcer Jing Xing Kou Mi 經行口糜
Metrorrhagia And Metrostaxis Beng Lou 崩漏
Miscarriage Zhui Tai, Xiao Chan, Hua Tai 墜胎,小產,滑胎
Morning Sickness Ren Shen E Zu 妊娠惡阻
Prolonged Period Jing Qi Yuan Chang 經期延長
Syndrome Wei Jue Jing Qi Zong He Zheng 圍絕經期綜合征
Postpartum Abdominal Pain Chan Hou Fu Tong 產後腹痛
Postpartum Convulsion Chan Hou Jing Zheng 產後痙証
Postpartum Dizziness Chan Hou Xuan Yun 產後眩暈
Postpartum Fever Chan Hou Fa Re 產後發熱
Postpartum Retention of Urine Chan Hou Pai Niao Yi Chang 產後排尿異常
Scanty Period Yue Jing Guo Shao 月經過少
Uterine Prolapse Yin Ting 陰挺
Pediatrics Er Ke 兒科
Anorexia Yan Shi 厭食
Asthma Xiao Chuan 哮喘
Chicken Pox Shui Dou 水痘
Common Cold Gan Mao 感冒
Convulsions Jing Feng 驚風
Cough Ke Sou 咳嗽
Diarrhea Xie Xie 泄瀉
Enuresis Yi Niao 遺尿
Epilepsy Xian Zheng 癇症
Erysipelas Chi You Dan 赤游丹
Fetal Jaundice Tai Huang 胎黃
Food Retention Ji Zhi 積滯
Intestinal Parasitic Worms Chang Dao Chong Zheng 腸道蟲証
Malnutrition Gan Zheng 疳証
Measles Ma Zhen 麻疹
Mumps Zha Sai 痄腮
Pneumonia Fei Yan Chuan Sou 肺炎 喘嗽
Purpura Zi Dian 紫癜
Retardation and Flaccidity Wu Chi Wu Ruan 五遲五軟
Rubella Feng Sha 風痧
Scarlatina Dan Sha 丹痧
Sweating Han Zheng 汗証
Thrush E Kou Chuang 鵝口瘡
Whooping Cough Dun Ke 頓咳
Infantile Edema Xiao Er Shui Zhong 小兒水腫
Orthopedics And Traumatology Gu Shang Ke 骨傷科
Achilles Tendon Injury Gen Jian Sun Shang 跟腱損傷
Acute Lumbar Muscle Sprain Yao Bu Niu Cuo Shang
Bone Fracture Gu Zhe 骨折
Calcaneodynia Gen Tong Zheng 跟痛症
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Wan Guan Zong He Zheng
Cervical Spondylosis Jing Zhui Bing 頸椎病
Frozen Shoulder Jian Guan Jie Zhou Wei Yan 肩關節周圍炎
Degenerative Spondylitis Tui Xing Xing Ji Zhui Yan
Ganglionic Cyst Jian Qiao Nang Zhong 腱鞘囊腫
Joint Dislocation Guan Jie Tuo Wei 關節脫位
Knee Joint Collateral Ligament Injury Xi Guan Jie Ren Dai Sun Shang 膝關節韌帶損傷
Lumbar Muscle Strain Yao Ji Lao Sun 腰肌勞損
Meniscal Injury Ban Yue Ban Sun Shang 半月板損傷
Myofascitis of the Back Bei Bu Ji Jin Mo Yan 背部肌筋膜炎
Prolapse of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Yao Zhui Jian Pan Tu Chu 腰椎間盤突出
Pyriformis Syndrome Li Zhuang Ji Zong He Zheng
Sprained Ankle Huai Guan Jie Niu Cuo Shang 踝關節扭挫傷
Iliotibial Tract Injury Qia Jing Shu Sun Shang 髂脛束損傷
Sprained Wrist and Hand Shou Wan Niu Cuo Shang
Strained Neck Lao/Luo Zhen 落枕
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Nice Xia He Guan Jie Gong Neng Zhang Ai 顳下頜關節功能障礙
Tennis Elbow Gong Gu Wai Shang Ke Yan 肱骨外上髁炎